Nerf Modding A to Z: Nerf Raider

Subscribe to our newsletter and get our FREE 48-page guide, Nerf Modding A to Z: Nerf Raider. Our comprehensive guide was written with both newbies and experienced modders in mind, so no matter what your skill level, you'll be able to complete the modifications with ease.

These are just some of the things you will learn in our guide...

  • How to mod your gun in as little as hours from now, even if you have absolutely zero experience with modding.
  • Save time by finding out precisely what tools and supplies you will need and where you can find them before you even begin.
  • Step-by-step instructions for 6 different modifications, each complete with before and after screenshots of internal parts.
  • A little-known reinforcement modification that increases the life of your blaster.
  • 3 methods for safely removing the air restrictor from your blaster, without dismantling it entirely, even if you don't own expensive tools like a drill or Dremel.
  • An easy-to-understand approach to one of the most difficult and confusing modifications - a unique barrel breech that will greatly increase your range and accuracy.
  • Important precautions you should take while modding your blaster, or else it could suffer permanent damage or even get destroyed completely!

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